Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I'm on Top of the World

May 18th, 2016

   While I write in my personal journal everyday here, I try to write a blog post every three days. That lands me on today. Today, however, was an 8 hour bus ride from Grundarfjörõur to Bildadular in the Western Fjords. While the drive across this incredible land was as breath taking as ever and I really enjoyed reading my book, yesterday was much more exciting so I'll talk about that. 

   Yesterday - May 17th, 2016

  We woke up around 9:30 this morning for breakfast before heading out. We were supposed to go hiking in the national park, however the roads were closed. No fear, being flexible an alternate plan was made. 
   We arrived at the Bjarnarhöfn Shark Museum around 11 am. Yes, your thinking this was a museum about the local Greenland shark. You're right. Except for the fact that it was about eating the Greenland shark. Boy was I in for a surprise. Ignoring the pungent fish smell, we toured the museum and learned all about the local shark fishing process and history. I was actually surprised to learn how different it was from my preconceived notions. The Sharks stopped being hunted several decades ago. Instead, this farm takes in Greenland sharks that have accidentally been caught as bycatch. The farm then, through a smelly fermenting and drying process, prepares the meat for consumption. The whole shark is used, not wasted. 
   After learning about the process, we got to try the shark meat. I tried it. To be honest it could have tasted worse, the idea of eating a shark however was just too unsettling. The taste stayed with me until lunch. 
    We also got to walk around the farm property and see where the shark meat is dried. The farm is in a prime location. It is surrounded by snow covered mountains in the back, the sea in the front, and a casual waterfall in the backyard. The animals on the farm were also precious. We got to feed the chickens and ducks and I'm in love with the baby sheep. 
   We left the shark museum and headed back to Grundarfjörõur for lunch. We then had a leisurely afternoon exploring the town, finding coffee shops and bookstores, and taking a much needed nap. 
   At 4:45 I was woken up quickly to discover we were leaving on a hike. I had no clue where we were going but I knew I didn't want to miss it. I threw on my jacket, grabbed my backpack and put my shoes on as I was already out the door. I can tell you that I am so so glad I did not miss this hike. We followed a trail up onto the mountain behind the hostel. I wandered aimlessly as I followed the orange markers and the rest of the group. The whole time I was walking, I was in awe of what was around me. I felt like I was in a scene of The Lord of the Rings. The path lead us over hills and across streams until we came to a series of waterfalls where the snow began on the mountain. I thought this was the end of our journey, however the orange markers went up the side of the hill next to the waterfall. Naturally, a group of us followed it. It just kept going up and up and up. We crossed icy snow patches and climbed on our hands and knees up this mountain. Before we knew it, we were standing on the top of the mountain overlooking the whole valley with the town in it. My breath was taken away (from the view and also quite literally from being so physically exhausted). It was truly one of the proudest and most rewarding moments of my life. I had never hiked or seen anything like that. I was truly on top of the world.
   By the time we made it back to the hostel it was 9:15. We had been hiking for 4 1/2 hours. I later found out that only to and back from the waterfall was 5 miles so who knows how far we actually went. I'm surprised my body could handle all of that and I  can walk today. It was so nice arriving back, however, because dinner was almost     ready. Some of the group had headed back early and we were welcomed by the aroma of chili. It was the perfect post hike dinner. The night itself was so wonderful. Everyone was sitting around the dining table with some good chili and great laughs. While the day itself wasn't heavily geology based and more relaxed, it was truly one of my favorites. I will never forget the simple memories I have with this incredible group of people.

Another on top of the world moment: standing on top of Langjökull glacier before descending into the ice cave (5/16/16)

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